NOZ – Reconstruction of Sea-surface Temperatures Using Fossil Marine Plankton
The predictive quality of climate models can be enhanced by incorporating information about temperatures from the past. A number of methods have been developed to determine the ancient temperatures of the upper ocean, and one of these is based on the use of deep-sea microfossils. For many millions of years, a large number of speciesView problem details
Phytocare – Parameters to Grow Roses
In agriculture, the key point is optimizing the production at limited costs. For decennia already, one has tried for the best and one cannot do without a computer anymore. In present-day greenhouses, the control of the inner climate is fully automated. The inner climate could be held constant, but for the optimization of the production,View problem details
Artis – Aquarium Problem
The Artis Zoo has a problem in its Aquarium and in the adjacent Zoological Museum. Situation Part of the Aquarium is a corridor that contains so-called mammoth tanks which measure 5 by 2.5 by 20 meters and are filled with water. Because of the tropical fish inside, the water should have a temperature of 24View problem details
Philips – Compression of Data
Philips Natlab is looking for new ways to compress audio-signals. Situation A new method for the digital representation of high-quality audio signals has been introduced as an alternative to the widely used 16-bit recording format used for CD signals. This new method [3] produces 1-bit samples at a rate that typically is 64 times higherView problem details
Magma – Design Automation: Component Placement on Chips
The ‘holey cheese’ problem One of the steps in the design process of chips is the positioning of every single component or ‘cell’ on the chip. The cells are mutually connected by wires. The wiring scheme is given, and in this phase of the design process, the positioning of the various cells must be determined.View problem details
Eurodiffusie – Diffusion of Euro Coins over Europe
From 1st January 2002, we have the unique possibility to follow the spread of national euro coins over the different European countries. We model and analyze this movement and estimate the time it will take before on average half the coins in our wallet will be foreign.