Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2009
SWI 2009 was held at the Wageningen University. Problems were submitted by Albemarle, DHV, DSM, KNMI, Marin and Rabobank.
Organisation committee SWI 2009:
Timo Doeswijk,
Karel Keesman,
Jaap Molenaar,
Hanneke van Ommeren,
Joost van Opheusden,
Dinie Verbeek,
Margaret van Wissen.
SWI 2009 News
No news availableCompanies & Problems
Albemarle – Mixing and Modelling: How Mathematics May Mix Molecules
DHV – Water Pumping Optimization
DSM – Stiffening While Drying
KNMI – An Objective Method to Associate Local Weather Extremes
MARIN – Parametric Roll of Ships
Rabobank – A Hybrid Model for the Financial Industry

Albemarle – Mixing and Modelling: How Mathematics May Mix Molecules
Introduction Albemarle is a big chemical concern with about 3700 employees and many plants worldwide. It is a manufacturer of polymers and fine chemicals, including additives and intermediates used in agricultural and cleaning products, drilling compounds, etcetera. Since mixing of different chemical compounds is one of its core techniques, Albemarle Research in Amsterdam (former AkzoView problem details

DHV – Water Pumping Optimization
Grimsby Region In the figure, the schematic representation of the Grimsby drinking water supply region is given. Characteristics are: The supply regions Smithville, Beamsville, and Grimsby are situated at different heights With the use of the water buffers and the water pumps drinking water is transported to the three supply regions. The Pumps can beView problem details

DSM – Stiffening While Drying
Introduction Nowadays waterborne coatings (WBC’s) are increasingly replacing traditional organic solvent-borne coatings (SBC’s) in many applications due to stricter legislation originating from an ever-growing environmental awareness in society. One of the few disadvantages of WBC’s is that they generally require longer drying times as compared to SBC’s. For that reason, the drying process of WBC’sView problem details

KNMI – An Objective Method to Associate Local Weather Extremes
Local weather extremes, like heavy rainfall or extreme temperatures, are usually connected to characteristic circulation patterns in the atmosphere. The figure below illustrates this fact for daily mean temperatures in July and August as observed in De Bilt. For two periods with extremely high temperatures the atmospheric circulation deviation from the time-mean flow as characterizedView problem details

MARIN – Parametric Roll of Ships
Introduction ‘Parametric roll’ is a phenomenon that sometimes suddenly occurs to ships sailing in the head or following seas. Apparently, without any clear reason, the amplitude of the roll motion (i.e. the rotation about the longitudinal axis of the ship) increases within a couple of roll periods, from a few degrees to above 45 degrees.View problem details