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Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2018

SWI 2018 was held from January 29 to February 2 at the Eindhoven University of Technology.


What is SWI?

SWI (Study Group Mathematics with Industry) is a combined industrial–academic week-long workshop sponsored by NWO and STW. Roughly fifty to eighty mathematicians work in groups on problems submitted by companies. Companies present a selection of problems on Monday. The participants devote the entire week to studying these problems in smaller groups, and presents their results on Friday.

SWI is ideal for companies that are new to cooperation with academia. The event is often a first step towards a fruitful long-term collaboration between companies and academia.

Topics from last year (you may also wish to consult our searchable list of all years):

  • Numerical-physical modelling of miscible fluids in pipeline transport (Shell)
  • Health care expenditures differ significantly between regions in the Netherlands: efficiency or health related? (Equalis)
  • The fair value of a mortgage (ABN AMRO)
  • Analyzing and predicting impact created by accidents on road networks (TNO)
  • Quiescent periods for helicopter landing on ships (MARIN)
  • Economic optimal water safety (Centraal Planbureau)

How to participate

If you want to contribute a problem to SWI 2018, please contact the organization committee through swi2018@tue.nl. We will then contact you to discuss the details of the suggested problem and whether it is suitable for SWI.  Discussions about suggested problems have turned out to be very fruitful for companies.

After the discussion about a suggested problem, a formal decision about acceptance will made by the SWI organization committee.  The costs of participating as a company are €1750. In addition, a representative of your company is expected to be available at various moments during the week of  January 29 2018 at the Eindhoven University of Technology.

All mathematicians from PhD level and higher are welcome to participate in the study groups of SWI 2018.  Please register via our registration form.

Participation is free of charge, including the lunches and dinners mentioned in the program. Accommodation can be arranged for participants from outside the Eindhoven region.

Monday January 29
09:30 – 10:00Arrival and coffee/teaFlux building, lecture room FLX 1.05
10:00 – 10:10Official openingFlux building, lecture room FLX 1.02
10:10 – 10:20WelcomeFlux building, lecture room FLX 1.02
10:20 – 11:35Company presentationsFlux building, lecture room FLX 1.02
11:35 – 11:50Coffee/teaFlux building, lecture room FLX 1.05
11:50 – 13:05Company presentationsFlux building, lecture room FLX 1.02
13:05 – 14:00LunchFlux building, lecture room FLX 1.05
14:00 – 14:30Group formationFlux building, lecture room FLX 1.02
14:30 – 16:30Group discussion with company representativesFlux building, lecture rooms FLX 1.06 (CBS), 1.07 (CQM), 1.08 (DNV GL), 1.09 (Hobaho), 1.10 (SciSports), 1.11 (SKF), 1.12
16:30 – 17:30DrinksFlux building, lecture rooms FLX 1.05


Tuesday January 30
09:00 – 12:30Group discussionsFlux building, lecture rooms FLX 1.06 (CBS), 1.07 (CQM), 1.08 (DNV GL), 1.09 (Hobaho), 1.10 (SciSports), 1.11 (SKF), 1.12
12:30 – 13:30LunchFlux building, room FLX 1.05
13:30 – 17:30Group discussionFlux building, lecture rooms FLX 1.06 (CBS), 1.07 (CQM), 1.08 (DNV GL), 1.09 (Hobaho), 1.10 (SciSports), 1.11 (SKF), 1.12


Wednesday January 31
09:00 – 12:30Group discussionsFlux building, lecture rooms FLX 1.06 (CBS), 1.07 (CQM), 1.08 (DNV GL), 1.09 (Hobaho), 1.10 (SciSports), 1.11 (SKF), 1.12
12:30 – 13:30LunchFlux building, lecture room FLX 1.05
13:30 – 17:30Group discussionsFlux building, lecture rooms FLX 1.06 (CBS), 1.07 (CQM), 1.08 (DNV GL), 1.09 (Hobaho), 1.10 (SciSports), 1.11 (SKF), 1.12
18:30 – 23:00Conference dinner, Restaurant De Bengel (opposite Eindhoven railway stationRestaurant De Bengel (opposite Eindhoven railway station, city centre side)


Thursday February 1
09:00 – 12:30Group discussionsFlux building, lecture rooms FLX 1.06 (CBS), 1.07 (CQM), 1.08 (DNV GL), 1.09 (Hobaho), 1.10 (SciSports), 1.11 (SKF), 1.12
12:30 – 13:30Lunch
13:30 – 18:30Group discussions + preparation presentationsFlux building, lecture rooms FLX 1.06 (CBS), 1.07 (CQM), 1.08 (DNV GL), 1.09 (Hobaho), 1.10 (SciSports), 1.11 (SKF), 1.12
18:30 – 19:30Snacks and drinksFlux building, lecture room FLX 1.05
19:30 – 21:00Preparation presentationsFlux building, lecture rooms FLX 1.06 (CBS), 1.07 (CQM), 1.08 (DNV GL), 1.09 (Hobaho), 1.10 (SciSports), 1.11 (SKF), 1.12


Friday February 2
09:00 – 10:30Group presentationsFlux building, FLX 1.02
10:30 – 11:00Coffee and teaFlux building
11:00 – 12:30Group presentationsFlux building, FLX 1.02
12:30 – 12:40ClosingFlux building, FLX 1.02
12:40 – 13:30LunchFlux building


SWI 2018 featured in the following media items:

Article by E52: Wiskunde heeft oplossing voor futiliteiten en wereldproblemen

Article by E52: Mathematians look into gas drilling and football

Newsitem by NWO: Wiskundigen buigen zich over gasboringen, profvoetballers en tulpen

Facebookitem by Cursor: Wiskundigen buigen zich over gasboringen, profvoetballers en tulpen

Newsitem on Nationale Onderwijsgids.nl: Wiskundigen buigen zich over vraagstukken bedrijven

Blog of Participant Clare Stegehuis on Nemo Kennislink: Computervoetbal

Article on CBS website: Wat kan het CBS zeggen over causaal verband

You may also wish to have a look at the YouTube movie of SWI, that gives a good impression of the Studygroups Mathematics with Industry:

Companies that wish to propose a problem for SWI 2018 are kindly requested to contact Alessandro Di Bucchianico, chairman of the local organization committee, by email.

Mathematicians that wish to participate in solving the problems and need further information are kindly requested to send an email to swi2018@tue.nl. Registration is possible through the registration form.

Local Organization Committee

Di Bucchianico
Stella KapodistriaCor HurkensPatty KoornOliver TseSándor Kolumbán


The event takes place at the campus of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Please consult the travel directions on the TU/e website for further details on how to reach the campus.

flux buildingtrapflux

SWI 2018 News