| Name | Affiliation | Country |
 | Alessandro Di Bucchianico | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands |
 | Balint Negyesi | TU Delft | Netherlands |
 | Chit Yan Toe | CiTG, TUDelft | Netherlands |
 | Cyriel van Velzen | UvA | Netherlands |
 | Dan Wang | TU Delft | Netherlands |
 | Emilie Herpain | University of Oxford | Belgium |
 | Emma Verweij | Leiden University | Netherlands |
 | Erwin Luesink | University of Twente | Netherlands |
 | Evie Nielen | University of Technology Eindhoven | Netherlands |
 | Francisco Richter | USI | Switzerland |
 | Gabriel Lord | Radboud University | Netherlands |
 | Haojin Li | Department of Plant Science in Wageningen University and Research | Netherlands |
 | Hildegard Montsma | | |
 | Jelle van der Voort | Leiden University | Netherlands, Kingdom of the |
 | Jenni Justice | Ejx ji | Kazakhstan |
 | Joost Hulshof | VU University | Netherlands |
 | Julie Merten | University of Groningen | Germany |
 | Khadija Meddouni | Radboud University | Netherlands, Kingdom of the |
 | Kumar Pankaj | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands, Kingdom of the |
 | Lais Wehbi | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands |
 | Leandro Dorsey | Jqejdri | Guinea |
 | Luke Visser | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands |
 | Marco Saltini | Wageningen University and Research | Netherlands |
 | Markus Niebisch | Maastricht University | Netherlands |
 | Mark van den Bosch | Leiden University | Netherlands |
 | Martijn de Jong | Leiden University | Netherlands |
 | Martijn Onderwater | None, available | Netherlands |
 | Mathijs Pellemans | VU Amsterdam | Netherlands |
 | Michael Muskulus | Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU | Norway |
 | Muhammad Ahsan | National University of Sciences & Technology | Pakistan |
 | Muriel Pérez | Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) | Netherlands |
 | Naqi Huang | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
 | Peter Waldert | Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of Graz | Austria |
 | Prashanth Lakshmi Narasimhan | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands |
 | Rahul Dhopeshwar | Eindhoven University of Technology, Mathematics and Computer Science | Netherlands, Kingdom of the |
 | Rob van der Mei | | Netherlands |
 | Rupsa Basu | University of Köln | Germany |
 | Sajjad Rahimi | Shell Energy | Netherlands |
 | Sandjai Bhulai | VU Amsterdam | Netherlands |
 | Senja Barthel | VU Amsterdam | Netherlands |
 | Simon van Mourik | Wageningen University and Research center | Netherlands, Kingdom of the |
 | Stavros Topkas | Utrecht University | Netherlands |
 | Stefano Coda | Iese | France |
 | Tom van der Zanden | Maastricht University | Netherlands |
 | Tsega Kahsay Gebretekle | University of Groningen | Netherlands |
 | Tyron Lardy | Leiden University | Netherlands |
 | Utku Erdogan | Radboud University | Netherlands |
 | Vidhi Vidhi | University Cote d'Azur, Nice, France | France |
 | Vincent Schmeits | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
 | Vivi Rottschäfer | MI, Leiden and KdVI, UvA | Netherlands, Kingdom of the |
 | Willem de Muinck Keizer | TU Delft | Netherlands |
 | Wim Joosten | Program manager sustainability & data | Netherlands |
 | Yanfei Chen | KU Leuven | Belgium |
 | Yang Meng | University of Twente | Netherlands |
 | Yankun Hong | Eindhoven University | Netherlands |
 | Yasamin Nazari | VU Computer Science | Netherlands |
 | Yasmin Roshandel | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands |